Dissolve Anger, frustration and bitterness while releasing suppressed angst held in the jaw and body. Communicate your truth calmly while maintaining your power. Irritability and resentment give way to compassion and releases the grip to control people and outcomes.
Impatiens soothes anger, frustration, irritibility, and as the name implies, impatience. It lends the user greater flexibility and adaptability, while creating a deeper inner peace. Calm down, slow down, soften and communicate. Impatiens allows you to have greater empathy and tolerance for others as situations feel less stressful, hurried, overwhelming and tense.
Milk Thistle targets deep rooted anger and resentment, helping you forgive. It allows you to process toxic emotions without you even needing to be aware of them. This usually happens through dreams. Just how Milk Thistle is used herbally to decongest the liver, the essence will do the same, as that is where the emotions of anger, bitterness and resentment are stored.
Plantain helps you get along with others, curbing harsh words and dissolving bitterness and resentment. It heals wounds inflicted by others and stops negative thought cycles. You may find that you can tolerate people better that you previously had little patience for.
Cherry Plum is indicated where there is fear of strong emotions. It protects from breakdown and out of control episodes, and guards from poor decision making that happens when one gets desperate. It is stabilizing and grounding in overwhelming situations to keep a level head and maintain healthy communication, where previously it may have been explosive or destructive. Cherry Plum assures that you are being guided and can assist in receiving insight on how to navigate big emotions.
Snapdragon is indicated for those who tend to snap at others, or who withhold biting words. This can cause jaw tension or TMJ. Those who are critical, chew ice, hard candy, bite nails, grind teeth, or are passive aggressive or sarcastic will benefit from this essence.
Solomon's Seal deals with adapting and processing in a healthy way when things don't go our way. We can experience an array of emotions when things don't go how we hoped. Solomon's Seal helps you quickly accept circumstances and adjust accordingly. When you can be open-handed with the things that aren't in your control, you can enjoy life more and move forward.
Sweet Cherry helps you shed negative emotions in general like fear, frustration and anger. It helps open your heart to others, when previously you may have kept walls up to avoid being hurt or vulnerable.
Anger Aid - Anger
Vibrational imprint of flowers in water (Milk Thistle, Plantain, Kerria, Impatiens, Snapdragon, Sweet Cherry, Solomon's Seal), Brandy