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This remedy calms the nervous system. It is especially helpful for those who have a hard time winding down before bed or stay up too late. It  soothes big emotions and protects from overstimulation and excessive thoughts. Use throughout the day for cultivating a peaceful presence or before bed as part of your nightly routine.


Flower Essences are different from sedatives, and will not make you drowsy. This remedy can be taken throughout the day safely, or part of a nighttime routine. If alternating with another essence, it would be reccomended to switch to this one after getting home from work, school, etc, to help wind down and transition from the cares of the day. This would be especially helpful for children who tend to wind up before bed, and resist falling asleep, or anyone who struggles with insomnia. If insomnia is your primary complaint, then taking this remedy throughout the whole day would be recommended.


Chamomile is an emotional soother. It calms crying, extreme upset, and tension that manifests in the stomach. It is ideal to use around bedtime, when you can’t wind down because the stress of the day has accumulated. It’s great for kids who don’t know what they want and can’t be consoled. It soothes colic, tantrums and fussiness, and can comfort as if being held. It gives its users a sunnier disposition and a brighter outlook. It is also indicated for PMS symptoms and insomnia.


Lavender quiets the mind and calms the body. It balances physical, emotional and spiritual activity as well as sensitivity. It sedates those who are over stimulated by mental and spiritual activity, giving you the ability to relax. It reduces neck and shoulder tension and reduces insomnia.


Lettuce is the ultimate calmer for the Central Nervous System. Trauma hijacks our nervous system and distrupts our ability to think clearly and function. Drugs, alcohol, caffeine and stress can also over stimulate our system, inhibiting us from balance, both mentally and physically. Lettuce helps us wind down and soothes the nerves. It's great for hyper-active kids or those with chemical addictions. it energetically rebuilds the nerves, eases cravings and encourages endorphin production.


Lemon Balm calms the mind and allows for deep relaxation. It dissolves anxiety to make room for realizations and revelation. It restores those who get overwhelmed from being around too many people or who feel they are stretched too thin. It helps to regulate sleep cycles and slows rapid fire thoughts and overwound kids. Lemon Balm helps you stay in an alpha state, calming fears and giving peace of mind.


White Chestnut stops cyclical thought patterns in its tracks. It calms scattered thoughts to ease anxiety. It balances those who either hyper fixate or get overwhelmed with the endless chatter that bombards them. If racing thoughts keep you up at night, this could help you fall asleep as well.


Moonbeam Coreopsis is cozy recuperation. It's great for after any type of blow, whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual. It heals the heart on a deep level and wraps like a hug. It seems to resolve heart issues that create physical symptoms in its gentle and subtle way.


Dill calms and clarifies sensory overload. It keeps the nervous system from getting overwhelmed by stimulation and information from both the physical and spiritual environment.


Ingredients: Vibrational imprint of flowers in spring water (Chamomile, Lavender, Lettuce, Lemon Balm, White Chestnut, Moonbeam Coreopsis, Dill), Brandy 

Calm -Overstimulated & Overwhelmed

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    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
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    • JordanOct 26, 2023
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      Helped from the first night!

      I’ve been struggling with pregnancy insomnia, waking in the middle of the night with my mind going, and this helped me sleep through the night from the very first time I took it! Thank you. <3

      Was this helpful?
      Store Owner
      Nov 09, 2023

      So glad to hear, thank you for your feedback <3

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