This remedy helps pick up the pieces to put you back together after a difficult event or season. Be drawn out of shut down, numbness and disassociation while rekindling your vitality so you don't succumb to burnout. You may be drawn to slow down and reflect, and this essence ensures it's safe to do so.
Arnica targets set in shock/trauma and unresolved emotion in the body. It's indicated as well for disassociative and autoimmune disorders or unexplained illnesses, and helps one stay present in tense situations.
Star of Bethlehem is the go-to trauma essence. It is comforting and soothing to anyone who has experienced shock, trauma or shuts down. It neutralizes old and new hurt quickly so that you can move forward with strength.
Echinacea is for those who feel shattered. Childhood wounds can cause us to compartmentalize and adapt coping mechanisms and personas to survive. These serve us for a time, but we aren't meant to stay there. Echinacea helps bind up the broken-hearted and reintroduces you to your core personality. Disassociating and not feeling fully present are good indicators for needing Echinacea.
Moonbeam Coreopsis is cozy recuperation. It's great for after any type of blow, whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual. It heals the heart on a deep level and wraps like a hug. It seems to resolve heart issues that create physical symptoms in its gentle and subtle way.
Just as Fireweed is the first to grow back after a forest fire, as an essence it is indicated for helping you bounce back from defeat and rise from the ashes. It's also the ideal remedy for "burnout". Burnout can be defined as "running out of oil", and when we find ourselves striving in an area that doesn't renew us, we can quickly become exhausted. Fireweed helps uncover your true purpose and passion, and helps remove the habits and blocks that are hindering that. It is deep renewal and rejuventaion.
Teasel is for those who are exhausted and depleted with no energy, and usually have body pain. Any long-term illness, strained relationship or long-standing emotional condition is an indication that Teasel can help. This essence brings restoration and clarity for a sustainable lifestyle, and can reveal the areas of your life that are draining you and no longer serving you. It is often used as a complient to therapy for Lyme disease, as well as for children who are hyperactive then crash. It brings balance between work, play and rest. Those using Teasel may find they retreat for a bit as they process new realizations. That's okay. You'll come back refreshed and ready.
Comfrey reverses shut down that trauma creates. It can reactivate dormant parts of the brain and improve body system functions, as it energetically recalibrates the nervous system. It lends itself to better memory, coordination and regulation, and can bring on the dreams as your body processes old stuff.
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